Ed Hays Speaking on Compensation and Disgorgement

Compensation and Disgorgement:
Section 329 and Rule 2017 Proceedings; Earned Upon Receipt Retainers (Do they Exist?); Security Retainers; Required Disclosures by Debtor’s Counsel; Chapter 13 Fee Application Issues and Other Current Fee Issues


  • The Honorable Mark D Houle, United States Bankruptcy Court
  • The Honorable Scott E Yun, United States Bankruptcy Court
  • Ed Hays, Marshack Hays, LLP

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
No Host Cocktails 6 p.m. ~ Dinner 6:15 p.m. ~ Program 7 p.m.

Marriott Riverside at the Convention Center
3400 Market Street, Riverside

Register Early to Save!

Cost Through August 23:
Members $75 ~ Non-Members $95 ~ Government Employees $45

IEBF MEMBER BENEFIT: Any IEBF member attending this program at the standard rate may bring staff members at the reduced rate of $55.00.

Cost After August 23:
Members $90 ~ Non-Members $110 ~ Government Employees $45

No refunds after August 23. No shows WILL be billed.
There is a processing fee for credit card payments.

Register Here

Or return the reservation slip with your check made out to:
Inland Empire Bankruptcy Forum
6789 Quail Hill Parkway #204, Irvine 92603
If you pay by this method, please also email
so we may include you in our count.

The above activity has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education by the State Bar of California in the amount of .75 hour. The Inland Empire Bankruptcy Forum certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for the approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education.



At Marshack Hays Wood, our attorneys provide the legal support you need to move forward with confidence. Let us help you take the first step toward financial stability.